Category Archives: For Fun


There are 24 hours in a day. There are 24 hours in a day, and yet, I haven’t blogged in months.  #SorryNotSorry in all honesty, life has gotten the best of me lately.  I have a new best friend who goes by the name, “Anxiety,” and after realizing that my most recent post was about my late grandmother, family issues and […]

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How Harry Potter Changed My Life

  I’m not a reader. In high school, I was so slow at reading that I had to take courses to learn how to read faster. I used my fingers to keep my focus on the page, but even techniques like this didn’t work for me. I was soooooooo slow that I even had a note from reading specialists that […]

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Why I’m Playing Pokemon Go

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new app available for our iPhone and Android devices.  Excuse me if I pronounce it incorrectly, but it’s called Poke–poka–pokaman–awwww, who am I kidding?  I’ve been waiting for this app all year! It’s called Pokemon GO! And let me guess?  You’re playing it, too, aren’t you? Now, for those of you wondering: What […]

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Magical Moments

How many of my readers live in New York City? As some of you may know, living here can be rough, and even that is an understatement.  Any daily commute is crowded.  The subways smell like piss.  Some of the people can be even worse.  So many New Yorkers feel “entitled” simply because they live in one of the most expensive cities […]

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I Found a Literary Agent!

Today, I got one step closer to publishing my children’s book! Wait, what!?  You didn’t know that I wrote a children’s book!? Well, I did.  And it’s awesome!  And yes, I get it.  I’m bias.  But even so, my story is current and classic all at the same [once upon a] time. I actually wrote this story years ago.  One of […]

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What To Do When Things Get Normal

I just realized that I forgot to post last week.  Oops… But why?  Why did I forget to post?  Bridge was fun as always.  But did we talk about anything different and unique?  At this point, I forget.  Which makes me think… Are things just “normal” right now?  Am I in a rut? Yes.  And no.  (My favorite answer!) Yes, […]

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The Change Up

This week, our 90-years-young host was on vacation, so one of the other couples graciously decided to host bridge at their place.  The appetizers were just as delicious.  The conversations were just as delightful.  The only thing different was the atmosphere, and this one just so happened to include the most adorable dog one will ever meet. My husband and […]

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Welcome to our bridge blog!

About 8 years ago, I decided to do what every typical mid-20s actor in their life does…I moved to the mecha of all actors…the fabulous, gross, beautiful, grungy, never-a-dull-moment, New York City! Little did I know that only a few years later I would be playing bridge (for those of you reading this who are my age, bridge is a […]

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